A call to action
It is quite true that Catholics in the United States, especially men, have become complacent. We have reaped the benefits of the sacrifices of both the saints and the founding fathers of our country. (more…)
It is quite true that Catholics in the United States, especially men, have become complacent. We have reaped the benefits of the sacrifices of both the saints and the founding fathers of our country. (more…)
As 2011 draws to a close I am reviewing my thoughts on what this year brought to me and my family. I was out of work for about 7 months this year, which was in itself a blessing. I was able to spend time with my wife and children and get to interact with them in way that working fathers are not usually able. During my job search I prayed a few different novenas many times over, but one specific novena has changed my outlook on the place of work on my life. (more…)