Welcome to Messy Blessings, our family’s new “home” on the web!
We’re celebrating family life, counting our blessings, sharing our culinary adventures, cultivating creativity, curiosity, and fun with messy play dates, field trips, and art adventures, exploring and deepening our Catholic faith as we strive to integrate our faith into our everyday lives so that we are, every single day, truly Catholic.
We’re blogging about this and that, the simple but not always easy tasks of day-to-day living, learning, loving, playing, working, exploring, and discovering. We’re ranting and raving and griping and complaining, too. We’re counting our blessings and sharing them– the marvelous AND the messy!
To realize our dreams, goals, and aspirations as a family and as individuals in a way that stretches our intellect, enriches our Catholic faith, strengthens our character, enriches our family life, and helps to spread the gospel message of Jesus. In doing this, we will be fulfilled, happy, confident, and always close.